Specialising in Scottish Wills & Estate Planning
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    Scottish Will Writer and Estate Planner

    Thinking about your will now can help you minimise the vulnerability of your estate to tax, reduce your care-home costs and leave fewer decisions to be made by your friends and family at a difficult time. Isn’t such peace of mind worth a couple of hours of your time?

    Dennis GardenerSaltire Will Solutions is a specialist willwriting, financial, estate-planning and executry firm based in Perth, Scotland.  I am Dennis Gardener, the Principal of Saltire Will Solutions, and qualified to write wills valid in both Scotland and the rest of the UK, for people resident or domiciled in the UK and ex-pats. I am a Fellow of the Institute of Scottish Professional Willwriters (ISPW), which is part of the UK-wide Institute of Professional Willwriters.

    I strongly believe that everyone should make a will and I will be happy to discuss with you the different types of wills available.  The advice I give will be tailored to your personal circumstances, drawing on more than two decades experience of will writing.  I will talk you through the full process of making a will, as well as the most common will issues I can help resolve for you: guardianship, trusts, bequests, the care of your pets, funeral details and more.

    In addition to advising on and writing wills, I can also guide you through, and put in place, legal procedures to make life easier for you and for your family and friends, such as Power of Attorney and advanced medical directives/living wills.

    As part of preparing your will, I can help you plan financially for the future. In association with expert partners, I offer solutions for long-term care funding.  I can also arrange for estates to be wound up following a death or recommend professional executors should you wish.

    Once your will is completed, you will receive your own bound copy so you can refer to it any time.  Saltire Will Solutions also offers secure storage & maintenance and archiving for your important papers, including wills and title deeds. That means you know exactly where your documents are, they’re safe from fire, flood or accidents in your home, and you can access them quickly and easily when you need them.

    There’s no better time than now to secure the future of your family and loved ones.  Don’t put off making your will until it’s too late: “there’s always tomorrow” isn’t always true.

    Contact me today for a free, no-obligation consultation – and let Saltire Will Solutions help you ensure everything you worked so hard for throughout your life goes to who you want to get it.

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